Monthly Archives: November 2024

How Superseding and Intervening Causes Affect Your Injury Case
Most people think that personal injury cases have an accident, someone who caused the accident, and injuries. But that’s an oversimplification, because while many cases do follow this pattern, many do not. Many have what’s known as intervening or superseding causes, and they can cause complications to what would otherwise seem like a straightforward… Read More »

Accidents, Car Brands, States and Driver Ages–Who Crashed the Most?
Wouldn’t it be great if there was some way of looking at a car that someone was driving, or where the car was being driven, or who was driving it, and predicting whether or not they would be more likely to get into an accident? Well, we can’t really do that with any accuracy…. Read More »

Businesses are Liable When Bouncers Act — or Fail to Act
You see them all the time in clubs and bars and large events. Bouncers—private security, there to keep the peace, and make sure that things don’t go out of hand. But while bouncers are there to provide what seems to be police-like protections, many are not only not trained police officers, but may receive… Read More »

Eligible Florida Residents Can Request a Refund of Their Property Taxes Due to Hurricanes Helene and Milton
If you have been affected by Hurricane Helene or Milton you may be eligible for a property tax refund due to damage associated with Hurricanes Helene and Milton. To be eligible for refund, the property must be determined “uninhabitable,” that is the property could not be used or occupied for the purpose for which… Read More »