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Author Archives: Site Administrator


Are Uber and Lyft Drivers Entitled to Workers’ Compensation Benefits?

By Kelly Barcia Nuñez |

In recent years, ridesharing services such as Uber and Lyft have increased in popularity, and many people now prefer to utilize such services over traditional taxi services. Because of its growth, more people are turning to these companies for flexible job options and the opportunity to earn extra income. At first glance, it seems… Read More »

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Workers' Compensation

Can I Recover Lost Wages in a Florida Workers’ Compensation Case?

By Kelly Barcia Nuñez |

If you have recently been injured on the job, and your injuries are inhibiting you from being able to work, you may be concerned about those wages you would have otherwise earned had you not been injured. If you are unable to work, it is natural to worry that you will not be able… Read More »

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Is It Better to Settle Your Car Accident Case Outside of Court?

By Kelly Barcia Nuñez |

If you are considering whether or not to bring a case to court after a car accident, you may be wondering whether or not it is worth the extra time and legal fees. When it comes to car accidents, most cases never actually reach a courtroom and instead are settled after enough pressure from… Read More »

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$225,000 – Workers’ Compensation

By Kelly Barcia Nuñez |

Workers’ compensation case. Crush injury to dominant extremity resulting in reflex sympathetic dystrophy.

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$225,000 – Trip and fall

By Kelly Barcia Nuñez |

Trip and fall accident sustaining back injuries and psychiatric treatment

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$225,000 – Workers’ Compensation

By Kelly Barcia Nuñez |

Our client was a truck driver who was involved in a work related accident when his truck rolled over seriously injuring his back and neck.  The Employer/Carrier denied he was permanently disabled but the workers’ compensation judge disagreed and awarded permanent total disability.

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$183,500 – Workers’ Compensation

By Kelly Barcia Nuñez |

Our client was a truck driver who was in a work related accident where she suffered a compressed vertebrae and knee injuries.  We claimed permanent total disability while our client was primarily treating with a pain management physician.  The workers’ compensation carrier denied permanent disability.

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$175,000 – Workers’ Compensation/Retaliation

By Kelly Barcia Nuñez |

Our client was a delivery driver who injured his leg and knee while falling at work.  The Employer/Carrier denied the entire claim and fired our client for what they claimed to be a misrepresentation during the course of reporting the claim.

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$150,000 – Workers’ Compensation

By Kelly Barcia Nuñez |

Our client was a firefighter for numerous years when he suffered from chemical bronchitis and respiratory injuries after a brush fire. We claimed permanent total disability which the Employer denied.

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$125,000 – Sexual Harassment

By Kelly Barcia Nuñez |

Our client was a sales person who was pressured by a senior executive to enter into a sexual relationship. After the executive continued his pursuit over an extended period, our client did briefly engage in a relationship but later sought to end the relationship.  She was terminated shortly after ending the relationship.

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