Category Archives: Car Accidents

Permanent Injuries in Car Accidents: Why They Matter
Florida law requires drivers to carry insurance. However, the law does not require that drivers carry just any kind of insurance, but requires that they carry what is known as personal injury protection (PIP), sometimes also called “no fault insurance.” No fault insurance has its benefits, but for those injured in a car accident,… Read More »

How Will I Pay My Medical Bills After a Car Accident?
Immediately after a car accident, you may have a lot of concerns. The least of your worries—at least in the short term—may be the medical expenses that your treatment is costing you. At some point, those expenses will become due, or you will need a procedure that is exorbitantly costly. How does someone in… Read More »

What is Negligent Entrustment and How Can You Establish It?
People do it all the time. They lend their in-law their car for the week while his or hers is in the shop. They let their teenager take the minivan up the street one mile to grab a slushy. They let an employee take the company van to run an errand before lunch. Are… Read More »

Soft Tissue Injuries Post Car Accident
When people think of life altering car accident injuries, they think of brain injuries and fractured skulls, broken spines and crushed vertebrae. They often do not think of soft tissue injuries. Soft tissue injuries are some of the most common types of injuries Tampa car accident victims sustain. Like catastrophic injuries, soft tissue injuries… Read More »

Minimum Car Insurance Requirements: Is It Enough?
If you have never been in a car accident before, or if you have only ever been involved in a minor car accident, then you might think to yourself, “the minimum car insurance requirements are more than enough to cover the cost of damages.” However, talk to someone who has been severely injured in… Read More »

Is It Better to Settle Your Car Accident Case Outside of Court?
If you are considering whether or not to bring a case to court after a car accident, you may be wondering whether or not it is worth the extra time and legal fees. When it comes to car accidents, most cases never actually reach a courtroom and instead are settled after enough pressure from… Read More »

Is Fault Automatic in Rear-End Collision Cases?
You may have heard that when there is a rear-end accident, the person doing the rear-ending is always at fault. While this is true in most rear-end collision cases, it is not always the case. If you were involved in a rear-end collision in Tampa or Petersburg, you may be worried about what that… Read More »

Liability for Teenage Drivers
According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, there were 16,127 accidents involving teen drivers between the ages of 15 and 17 in Florida in 2016. 3,544 teen drivers were injured and 27 were killed. All these numbers are up from previous years. These numbers do not account for the number… Read More »

Admitting Fault Is Not Always Indicative of a Guilty Verdict to Come
If you were involved in a car accident in which the other driver admitted fault, you may assume that you have your case in the bag. After all, what better evidence is there than the other driver’s word? According to Florida courts, apparently, the at-fault driver’s testimony is not enough to obtain a guilty… Read More »

Teen Driving Perils
If you have a teen who has just acquired a driver’s license, chances are you are experiencing a bit of anxiety. There is good reason for apprehension as you turn over the car keys to a new driver: statistics relate some alarming facts about driving behavior and accident rates. If your teen is involved… Read More »