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Category Archives: Workers Compensation


Your Employer May Be Able to Take Inconsistent Positions in Denying You Benefits

By Kelly Barcia Nuñez |

A recent case decided by a Florida appellate court threatens to make it easier for employers to deny their employees workers’ compensation benefits when the employer denies that the injury is covered by workers’ compensation at all. The case has to do with workers’ compensation immunity, and the ability of a worker to sue… Read More »

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Reaching MMI and Your Impairment Rating Can Affect Your Workers’ Compensation

By Kelly Barcia Nuñez |

When you are injured on the job and you get treatment, it may seem like you will never recover. The road can seem long and difficult, but with most injuries, at least some level of improvement can be expected. But how much? And when does a doctor know when you have recovered as much… Read More »

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State Requires Workers’ Compensation for Workers on the Front Lines of COVID-19

By Kelly Barcia Nuñez |

In normal situations, getting workers’ compensation for contracting illness or disease is very difficult. As you can imagine, the workers’ compensation system would fall in on itself if everyone who got the flu, or strep throat, could get workers’ compensation. As a general rule, the same laws apply to COVID-19. However, lawmakers are trying… Read More »

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Electrocution Injuries at Work are Too Common

By Kelly Barcia Nuñez |

When you think of injuries that happen at work, you probably think of objects falling on people, people falling off of ladders or structures, broken bones, or sprains or strains from either acute injuries, or from repeated repetitive motion. You may not give much thought to electrocution, but electrocution is actually one of the… Read More »

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What Happens When a Workers’ Compensation Insurance Company Acts in Bad Faith?

By Kelly Barcia Nuñez |

When it comes to suing a workers’ compensation insurance company, we often think of the standard things that workers’ compensation insurers do to people to try to deny them benefits. These can include a failure to pay medical expenses, cutting people off from needed medical care, or disputes about the nature, extent and severity… Read More »

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Workers’ Compensation and the Coronavirus

By Kelly Barcia Nuñez |

With the spread of the coronavirus, many Florida workers are probably wondering whether or not they can or would be able to receive workers’ compensation for contracting coronavirus. Of course, because the virus is so new, there is no actual legal precedent for this question, but it is an interesting legal question to ask… Read More »

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Common Workplace Injuries and the Most Dangerous Professions

By Kelly Barcia Nuñez |

We’ve written in the past about getting worker compensation coverage for various kinds of accidents. But what are the most common workplace accidents? And what professions or jobs carry the highest risk of injury to a worker? Types of Injuries Sustained by Workers The National Safety Council estimates that a worker is injured while… Read More »

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What if You Disagree With Your Workers’ Compensation Doctor?

By Kelly Barcia Nuñez |

In Florida, if you are injured on the job, your employer through its workers’ compensation carrier has the right to dictate almost everything about your medical treatment. That includes which doctor you see, the kind of treatment you get, and the treatment options that are offered to you. Going to The Correct Doctor It… Read More »

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Will Getting Workers’ Compensation Hurt My Chances of Getting Disability?

By Kelly Barcia Nuñez |

Let’s assume that you are injured on the job, a common occurrence that happens to many workers. What is uncommon about your injury is that it is so severe, that you and your doctors fear that it may prevent you from working again at any time in the foreseeable future. Which Do You Need?… Read More »

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Why Are Workers’ Compensation Claims Denied?

By Kelly Barcia Nuñez |

The system of workers’ compensation is supposed to be relatively easy. Florida law is designed for workers to have quick and easy access to quick medical care, without having to prove any liability or negligence. Yet, there are workers’ compensation cases filed all the time. Why do these cases happen? How do people end… Read More »

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