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How to Resolve a Ticket from an Auto Accident

When you’ve been involved in an auto accident in Tampa or any other Florida city, it can be seriously stressful. Unfortunately, oftentimes car repairs and medical bills aren’t the only expenses incurred, and sometimes you may receive a traffic ticket as well, even if you’re not at fault for the accident. Thankfully, getting a ticket doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll incur a heavy fine or get points on your license. In fact, depending on the type of ticket and the circumstances of your crash, you may be able to reduce the fine and avoid points altogether.

So, how is this possible? In Florida, most tickets are offered with three possible resolutions:

  • Pay the fine/penalty and absorb the points
  • Go to court and contest the ticket
  • Go to traffic school

While online traffic school doesn’t erase financial penalty completely, it can reduce the amount you owe, and it does keep you from getting any points on your license. In addition, because you are deemed not guilty once you have completed the course, your insurance will not go up.

However, not everyone is eligible for this, and it depends on the type of ticket you got as well as the circumstances surrounding the ticket. For example a person who was speeding 15 MPH over the limit is likely to be able to go to traffic school to avoid points from that ticket. If that speeding caused or was a factor in an accident, they may not be allowed. If you’re unsure about whether or not you can attend traffic school to negate points on your license, look on the back of the ticket. It should list your options for resolution. Alternately, you can ask the police officer when he is issuing the ticket, or ask your car accident lawyer.

For more information on ways to resolve a ticket from an auto accident, or if you have questions about your particular situation, contact Barbas Law and speak to an expert personal injury lawyer in Tampa today.

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