How You Can Help Your Injury Attorney Win Your Case

When you go to a competent personal injury attorney, you may not even think that there are ways that you can help your attorney. After all, your attorney is the attorney, and you are the victim.
While it’s true that you may not have the legal expertise your attorney does, there are things that you can do to help your attorney get the best result possible for your case.
Follow Doctors Orders
Certainly, your medical decisions are your own personal decisions. Nobody should tell you what you should or should not do, in making these kinds of choices. But following your doctor’s orders is crucial to not just getting better, but making your injury attorneys life much easier.
You don’t necessarily have to get a major surgery just because your doctor suggests it—but if your doctor suggests therapy, treatment, or medications, you should consider it. If you have appointments with your doctors, don’t miss those appointments. Be responsible in getting medical treatment.
Follow Up
Did anything change in your life that your attorney should know? For example, did you change orthopedists, go get a different kind of treatment, or did you lose your job because of your injuries, or are your injuries affecting you in a new way?
If so, you should call your injury attorney and tell him or her. Yes, your attorney will follow-up with, and check in with you—but as soon as you sense that you may have some kind of new information or a change in your medical status, you should tell your attorney.
Be Honest
Victims are often inclined to only tell their attorney about the good or strong points of their case, and to leave out the bad. But your attorney can only help you if he or she knows all the information—including that which you may believe is negative for you, or which may hurt your case.
Many times, information that you think is damaging or hurts your case, either is not as damaging as you think, or your attorney knows how to handle that kind of information. But the worst thing you can do is have your story surprised by the other side, when he or she learns something that you knew all along, but chose not to disclose.
Watch Social Media
If you’re injured, and your life feels hopeless, and you are out of work because of your injuries, and your attorney is trying to convey your hardship to the other side, the worst thing that can happen is to have pictures of you show up on social media jet skiing in Cabo.
Yes, one picture won’t tell an entire story–and you are entitled to have a life, and have fun, even while you are recovering from your injuries. But be careful of what you post, and what the post conveys. If you have questions or doubts, ask your attorney before you post.
Let us help you in your personal injury case. Contact the Tampa personal injury lawyers at Barbas, Nunez, Sanders, Butler & Hovsepian and schedule a consultation today.