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Tampa Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

Catastrophic injuries are life-threatening and life-altering. Such injuries often involve the spinal cord, the spine, or the brain and leave a person incapacitated. If you or a loved one have been involved in an accident resulting in catastrophic injury, you need legal support. A Tampa catastrophic injuries lawyer can make sure you receive the medical benefits and disability that will allow you to live your best future possible.

Examples of Catastrophic Injuries

  • Spinal Cord Injuries – Spinal cord injuries that result in paralysis not only limit a person’s ability to work, but affect their ability to navigate through daily life without the help of a caretaker.
  • Brain Injuries – Brain injuries result in a lot of different cognitive impairments, depending on what region of the brain that has suffered trauma. For a brain injury to be catastrophic it must be more than a minor concussion. It will likely change someone’s ability to function for the rest of their life such as severe motor disturbances or severe communication disturbances.
  • Burns – According to Florida Statute 440.15, an injured employee who sustains second-degree or third-degree burns covering more than 25 percent of their body surface or third-degree burns covering five percent or more to the face and hands is considered permanently disabled.
  • Blindness – Flying shards of metal or glass, tools, radiation, and chemicals are all work-related causes of blindness. Vision loss is considered catastrophic when it results in industrial blindness, meaning a worker can no longer function at their job, or total blindness.
  • Amputations – Losing a limb can drastically change someone’s ability to be independent and do daily life tasks, let alone perform a job. A person who suffers an amputation may need a wheelchair or prosthetic.

The Cost of a Catastrophic Injury

According to, a person who suffers a high tetraplegia spinal cord injury will spend an average of $1.079 million on medical costs and home modifications within the first year alone. Other catastrophic injuries also have massive bills associated with recovery. A patient will likely spend time in the hospital, potentially have surgery, and may need outpatient care. Once home, a person with a catastrophic injury will need to adapt their home to make it livable for them with their particular disability and may require a caretaker to spend days with them. These costs will continue for the rest of their lives, all while they are likely unable to work. This is why it is crucial that a workers’ compensation claim is properly filed on their behalf.

Contact A Tampa Catastrophic Injuries Lawyer

Recovering from a catastrophic injury means adapting to a new way of life. Often you are managing pain and learning new ways to accomplish the same tasks you used to do before being injured. All of this requires a huge mental toll and can be exhausting. While you focus on your recovery, let an expert handle your workers’ compensation claim. The attorneys of the Tampa law office of Barbas, Nuñez, Sanders, Butler & Hovsepian will help take care of the legal aspects of your injury. Contact us at 813-279-2686 today for a free consultation.

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