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Why You Need a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Personal injury claims present complications that only a qualified personal injury lawyer will be able to appropriately address. How do you know whether your claim is best handled by a professional? If your claim involves the following elements, it would be wise to consult legal counsel.

Severe Injuries

Compensation in personal injury cases is determined largely by the severity of your injuries. That means that the type of injury, the length of time for your recovery, the cost of your medical care, etc. will be evaluated. These considerations are particularly important in the context of injuries that are likely to affect you for a substantially long time (a year or more) or injuries that hamper your physical capabilities or your appearance. If your personal injury claim involves these types of severe injuries, a personal injury lawyer will be your best bet to ensure you receive compensation that fairly reflects your harm.

Medical Malpractice

Personal injury suits are all about individuals violating duties of care that they had to you, the injured. But in the case of medical malpractice claims, that which constitutes a duty of care is much more complex than, for instance, the duty of care a shop owner has to shovel his or her sidewalk. Medical malpractice cases also involve complex medical or scientific information that will need to be explained in legal documents (for instance, precisely how a given procedure caused an internal reaction). And what’s more, medical malpractice cases are governed by specific laws and regulations only applicable to these types of cases. Just about any medical malpractice claim will require an lawyer to sort through these complicated issues.

Exposure to Toxins

It may not be the most obvious example of a personal injury claim, but exposure to toxins is actually a fairly common impetus for personal injury litigation. As modern technological advances arise, synthetic materials appear every day, sometimes with the potential to injure individuals who come into contact with them. Alternatively, as we learn more about materials used in past decades, it becomes obvious that some have been injured by previously used substances (think asbestos). And as contaminants and pollution continue to pile up, personal injury claims can even result from injury due to compounds in the air, in the earth, or in food or water. But when it comes to toxic exposure personal injury claims, manufacturing, building, and synthesizing companies are well-protected by laws limiting their liability under certain circumstances. If your personal injury claim is related to toxic exposure, you will need an lawyer to assist you.

Could You Be Affected?

Navigating a personal injury claim can be stressful, expensive, and difficult. But you don’t have to go it alone. At Barbas, Nunez, Sanders, Butler & Hovsepian in Tampa, we litigate responsibly and effectively to ensure our injured clients receive the compensation they deserve. Call toll-free at 1 (800) 227-2275 for a consultation today.

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